Who We Are

The Global Summit's vision of “seeding” efforts globally has established for it a role in the Great Commission of encouraging partnerships and then bringing leaders together to network for those partnerships to grow and develop. As a result, the partnerships take on a life of their own, which allows for the freedom necessary to develop in their own timing.

​Since 1984, Parker’s networking relationships with authors, banks, churches, colleges, conferences, foundations, health agencies, mission groups, non-profits, trainers and volunteers have touched more than 10 million people. As a result, $50 million in revenues and many initiatives have been started.

Also, Summit attendees, along with other African American authors, have been signed with major publishing companies. More than 400 such authors have signed with these companies since 1985, including Parker Books; Harvest House; InterVarsity Press; Kregel Publications; Moody Publishers; NavPress; Discovery House; Thomas Nelson; Tyndale House; urban Ministries, Inc.; and Zondervan.

Summit Purpose

To play a role with leaders who are making disciples across the globe.

Summit Goal

To equip leaders who can train, network and resource future leaders.

Summit Objective

To serve leaders by providing a vehicle for networking, training and technical assistance, which means they have been called by God, commissioned by Jesus Christ and enable by the authority of the Holy Spirit.